Celebration of IEEE Day 2016 : Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: ECE Building, BUET Date: October 4, 2016 On October 4, 2016, IEEE BUET...

The R10 WIE Support Funded Program 2016 “Engineer Your Dreams” Organized by WIE, IEEE BD Section
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: Holy Cross College, Dhaka Date: September 30, 2016 The R10 WIE support...

2016 R10 WIE support fund
WIE, IEEE BD section has submitted 3 proposals for R10 WIE support fund . Two of our submitted proposals have been awarded funding...

Workshop on “Make Beautiful Website Yourself” Jointly Organized by IEEE AUST Student Branch WIE Affi
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE AUST Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: Ahsanullah University of...

Workshop on Introductory MATLAB & its Applications jointly organized by IEEE Stamford University
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: MCL-B,...

Workshop on Introduction and Application of SPICE jointly organized by IEEE Stamford University Stud
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: MCL-B,...

Workshop on Introduction and Application of SPICE jointly organized by IEEE UIU Student Branch WIE A
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE UIU Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: United International...

Workshop on PCB Design using Proteus Jointly Organized by WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Sectio
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE NSU Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: NAC 415, North South...

Professional and Research Opportunities for Women at Home and Abroad
On July 15, 2016, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, WIE Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section organized the event “Professional and Research...

Workshop on LATEX Jointly Organized by WIE Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section & IEEE UIU SB
On June 25th, 2016 from 10:00am to 1:00pm, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE UIU Student Branch, WIE Affinity Group...