Workshop on Introduction and Application of SPICE jointly organized by IEEE Stamford University Stud
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Venue: MCL-B, Stamford University Bangladesh
Date: July 30, 2016
On 30 July 2016, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section & IEEE Stamford University Student Branch WIE Affinity Group jointly organized a workshop titled "Introduction and application of Spice" at MCL-B of Stamford University Bangladesh. It started at 10:00am and continued till 12:00pm. About 38 students were present in the workshop. Among them, 24 were IEEE members and 14 were non-IEEE members.
The workshop was conducted by Nujhat Tasneem, Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BRAC University. She introduced participants with "PSpice" software and its application. Participants got a basic concept about "PSpice" through the workshop.

Pic-1: Participants Engaged in the Workshop.
Farhana Parveen, Lecturer, Department of EEE, Stamford University Student Branch & Ex Branch Counselor, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch, Sultana Razia Akhter, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh and Branch Counselor, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & Md. Multan Biswas, Senior Lecturer, Department of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh were also present at the workshop.
Md. Nurunnabi Mollah, Industrial Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section came to the workshop as well. He said that he was delighted to see such a huge response from the IEEE Stamford University Student Branch. He also suggested the members to engage in more IEEE activities.
Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen, Associate Professor, Stamford University Bangladesh & Branch Counselor IEEE Stamford University Student Branch discussed about the activities of IEEE Stamford University Student Branch at the end of the workshop. She said IEEE Stamford University Student Branch successfully organized four workshops in 2016, among them three workshops were jointly organized by the WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section & IEEE Stamford University Student Branch. She congratulated Nafiz Imtiaz, Chair, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch, who has been selected as a student member participant for IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE/LM Congress 2016 at Bangalore in India. She also congratulated Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury, Secretary & Online Activity Coordinator, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch for being selected as IEEEXtreme 10.0 Student Ambassador.

Pic-2: Instructor Showing the Slides and Software

Pic-3: Instructor is Handed Crest by Prof. Dr. Taifur Ahmed Chowdhury,
The workshop ended up with the inspirational speech given by Prof. Dr. Taifur Ahmed Chowdhury, Chairman, Department of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh & Branch Counselor of IEEE Stamford University Student Branch. Finally, the honorable Chairman thanked the instructor by presenting her a crest. The workshop turned out to be a successful event.