Women in Engineering Tech Meetup Online Webinar Series
Mala Paul || Industry Activity Coordinator for Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE), IEEE Bangladesh Section
Organizer: Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE) Bangladesh Section,
IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES),
Women in Power and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bangladesh Section
Venue: Zoom Event
Date: July 17, 2020
Total Attendees: 60
Speakers: 6
Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE) Bangladesh Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), Women in Power and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bangladesh Section jointly had organized an international webinar on 17th of July 2020. Around 60 speakers and participants of Bangladesh and India (among them 57 participants are IEEE member including 6 speaker) attended the two-hour long session.

Dr. D N Sujatha, Ms. Divya M G, Dr. Jyoti Jain, Dr. Jyothi Pillai, Dr. Iti Saha Misra and Dr. Celia Shahnaz were the six speakers at the webinar. They shared their experiences as women in the field of engineering and technology, which always provides inspiration and vision to IEEE volunteers and participators most of whom are students, young professionals and aspiring engineers around the world. Nafisa Tasnim, Vice Chair of WIE AG, BDS and Senior Engineer of Energypac Engineering Limited moderated the whole session.
First speaker Dr. D N Sujatha mentioned that in our life we should take and utilize every opportunity we get in our way to success. She mentioned that IEEE is not describable only by 4 letters rather it is Enabled ,Empowered and Enriched for each Individual. Next speaker Dr. Iti Saha Misra shared how she gives inspiration, increases awareness and delivers the most significant messages about researches and IEEE among all the young growing engineers, colleagues. Her another contribution to IEEE. is mentoring the young students, making them ready for future endeavors. Next Speaker Ms. Divya M G always focus on giving opportunities to young women researchers, increasing member, rising awareness among people and improving the quality of programs in a different way so that it reaches to people with strong message. Dr. Jyothi Pillai added in her words next. She is currently working for blind people, as well as the special abled children and spend valuable time with these children now planning to develop some systems software solutions for such type of children so that their life can be improved. Then next speaker, Dr. Jyoti Jain shared her contribution to IEEE, she developed the Power Energy Society on sixth of April 2013. She motivated her students and also conducted many seminars, projects such as solar power projects and skill development programs. After that last speaker Dr. Celia Shahnaz shared her experience and contribution regarding research fields and contribution to the IEEE. She has designed and organized many flagship events, IEEE WIE international summit, many conferences specially led many applications for inspiring humanitarian technology activities by the women and received many funds from IEEE committee. She mentioned that women empowerment will not come unless we raise our value and raise our competitiveness ourselves.

The webinar provided an amazing opportunity to Women in Engineering volunteers, students and professionals alike to interact with each other, to reconnect with previous acquaintances, to share their experiences and ideas and at the same time inspire other aspiring women in the field of engineering to strive and work for the best.