WIE Session at “IEEE BDS SYW Congress 2016”
On November 04, 2016 in “IEEE BDS SYW Congress 2016” WIE, IEEE BDS arranged a WIE session with a theme of ‘Role of male for women...

The 2016 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Enginee
Organizer: IEEE Pune Section, IEEE BDS, WIE AG of IEEE Pune Section and WIE AG of IEEE BDS Venue: All India Shviaji Memorial Society’s...

Workshop on “Simulink” Jointly Organized by WIE AG, IEEE AUST SB and WIE AG, IEEE BDS
Organizer: WIE AG, IEEE AUST SB and WIE AG, IEEE BDS Venue: Department of EEE of AUST Date: January 23, 2017 A workshop on Simulink has...