Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at EWU
Realizing the increasing importance of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design in the field of Electrical, Electronic, Communication and...

Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at BRACU
On 19th June 2014, “Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus” was organized by IEEE BRACU Student Branch and WIE...

Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at AIUB
On 11th June 2014, Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus was organized by IEEE AIUB Student Branch and WIE Affinity...

From Circuit to PCB: A Workshop on Circuit Design and Simulation using Proteus
The first workshop on PCB layout design in the history of IEEE Bangladesh was organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Group in...