Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at BRACU
On 19th June 2014, “Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus” was organized by IEEE BRACU Student Branch and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section and. The workshop aimed to educate interested students from different universities about the use of the software Proteus in PCB design and simulation.

In the workshop, the activities of WIE were shared with the participants to provide them with a better understanding of WIE’s objectives and goals and to encourage female students. Md Shafayat Hossain, Lecturer of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, BUET, began the workshop by discussing the importance of PCB design. A sample regulator circuit was then simulated step by step using Proteus and ARES (for PCB adaptation) so that students could simultaneously implement the circuit on their own.

He also showed PCB design for dc motor control using microcontroller. A sample PCB circuit was also displayed for students to handle and examine it by themselves. This helped them gain practical knowledge outside of their regular coursework.

The workshop ended with a vote of thanks to the instructor who was presented with a certificate and small tokens of appreciation for his time and effort by Ms. Marzia Alam, Senior Lecturar, BRACU. All attendees were also presented with certificates in acknowledgement of their enthusiastic participation in the interactive and educative event.