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Embracing the benefits of IEEE Membership

Irtiza Haque, Secretary, WIE AG Bangladesh Section

Organizer: Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE) Bangladesh Section,

IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), Women in Power

Venue: Zoom Event

Date: August 6, 2020

Total Attendees: 40

IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE) Bangladesh Section, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bangladesh Section and IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), Women in Power jointly organized an online membership development session on 5th of Aug 2020. Over 40 participants of Bangladesh from both Industry and Academia attended the two-hour long session.

Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section and Professor, Dept. of EEE, BUET was the speaker at the webinar and Anamika Bhakta, Chair, IEEE WIE AG Bangladesh Section and Vice President, Spectrum and Technical Regulation, Robi Axiata Limited moderated the session. Dr. Celia Shahnaz started the session by sharing the glorious journey of IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE WIE AG Bangladesh Section. She shared her experiences of working with IEEE, which inspired and provided vision to the participants most of whom were graduate students, young professionals and aspiring engineers in various sectors of the country. She recognized the wide range of experience and knowledge that our industry work force has and urged them to share their experience across the world through active involvement with IEEE. She also recalled the past volunteers’ contribution who are now doing extremely well in their career and respective research field.

She further shared her vision regarding the ambassadors who are now spreading the vision of IEEE among people across the country. WIE is now more focused in building and highlighting the technical skills of women. Various collaborative projects which has been successfully done with various sections around the world were also shared. These events not only created a global exposure but also upskill the technical part of the participants.

Apart from regular professional activities she urges the importance of documenting various researches done at industry level which can be published as paper or journal in IEEE explore and in that way the knowledge or experience can be shared worldwide. After describing all the opportunities, she shared a message with the process of embracing the half yearly membership opportunity.

The session ended with an interactive QA session from the participants who showed their deep interest on the various opportunities that IEEE will offer after joining as a member.



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