Message from the Founding Chair

It is my honour to be part of IEEE WIE Affinity Group Bangladesh Section. The theme of the Group is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower women engineers, scientists, and young professionals in Bangladesh.
This group will highlight IEEE Women Technical Professionals. It is an effort to recognize and showcase IEEE women’s achievements in Male-dominated Engineering profession. The introduction of successful IEEE women and narration of their stories on why they were inspired to become technical professions, the difficulties in their work environments, their advice for young women volunteers interested in technical fields—will create a wide platform to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences among all, which will definitely help the women engineers in streamlining the role of them in the development of the technical society around. The understanding of the Engineering careers will be enhanced. This will be a great learning opportunity to overcome the challenges in career advancement. Also, the lesson that engineers can “benefit humanity and make a difference” will be focused. The talks, research presentations, panel discussions, poster competitions and other activities will aim to increase and change the public’s perception of women Engineers in Academia and industry. There will be different prizes in recognition to some of the works performed with endless dedication to achieve outstanding quality. This will help to motivate the IEEE volunteers for engaging in insightful efforts and performing good quality research thus enabling them to contribute significantly in the progress of the modern research.
It is my privilege to thank all the members, advisors and volunteers for their hard work in making group active and organized.
Celia Shahnaz, Ph.D. (Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka – 1000, Bangladesh