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Workshop on Introduction and Application of SPICE jointly organized by IEEE UIU Student Branch WIE A

Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE UIU Student Branch & WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section

Venue: United International University, Bangladesh

Date: July 29, 2016

On Friday, July 29 from 10AM – 12PM a workshop was held at United International University on “Introduction and Application of SPICE”. Ms. Nujhat Tasneem and Shoilee Chakma conducted the workshop which was jointly organized by IEEE UIU Student Branch, WIE Affinity Group and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BDS. The workshop started with amicable interactive session as the participants were introduced to the instructors who, at first, gave them a vague idea of what they were going to learn from this workshop. The participants were informed the abbreviation of SPICE (Simulated Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), which is a general purpose, open source analog circuit simulator. It is a program used in integrated circuit and board level design to check the integrity of circuit designs and to predict circuit behavior.

Pic-1: Instructors and Participants.

The workshop was carried out by the two instructors via slide shows and with the software itself. They showed how various circuit analysis can be done with the help of PSPICE. The participants were taught from core how to operate this simulator so that by the end of the workshop they could grasp enough to solve given circuit problems which will help them in the future when they enter their desired fields of expertise where the use of SPICE can prove to be very helpful. Therefore, at the end of the workshop the participants indulged themselves in question and answering session with the two instructors where further queries were solved regarding PSPICE.

Pic-2: Instructors Showing the Slides and Software

Pic-3: Participants Engaged in the Workshop

Finally, to conclude this educational experience of getting familiar with PSPICE, the instructors were handed a token of appreciation from IEEE UIU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group by Dr. Tishna Sabrina, Advisor of IEEE UIU SB WIE AG. Not only did the instructors receive crests for giving us their precious time, but all the participants were handed out certificates for their participation in the workshop. There were a total of 15 participants with a maximum of 20 people capacity lab. 14 of them were IEEE Members and one was a non-member, all were from UIU.

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