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Professional and Research Opportunities for Women at Home and Abroad

On July 15, 2016, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, WIE Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section organized the event “Professional and Research Opportunities for Women at Home and Abroad” at ECE building, BUET. The 3 speakers were the valued executive committee members of WIE AG IEEE-BDS, Mohasinina Binte Kamal, Farhana Parveen and Pramiti A Alam.

pic-1: WIE members with special souvenirs given by Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz from California

Mohasinina Binte Kamal is a senior Engineer from Energypac Engineering Ltd. She served WIE BD section as Industry Relations Coordinator for the year 2015 and Treasurer of WIE BD section for the first half of 2016. She is going to pursue her Masters degree to University of Akron, Ohio in which she received a full funding and Research Assitantship. Her intended research area is Cyber Security of Power System. Ms. Kamal mentioned how joining WIE has helped her academically as well as professionally. She demonstrated the development of her career and how it helped her to achieve the funding in one of her cherished universities. She also mentioned that organizing various events, conferences, instructing different workshops, publishing a paper in the International Conference of WIECON-ECE 2015, participating in IEEE International Leadership Summit 2015, all these experiences have helped her become the outspoken, responsible person that she is today.

pic-2: Ms. Kamal delivering her speech

Farhana Parveen is a Lecturer of Stamford University Bangladesh. She served as the Project Proposal Coordinator of WIE BD section for the year 2015. She is going to pursue her PhD degree in University of Central Florida. Her research area focuses on VLSI Technology. She mentioned how WIE has brought a positive change in her lifestyle and has boosted up her confidence. Ms. Farhana also encouraged many students in Stamford University Bangladesh to join IEEE and has opened a WIE affinity group in the same University. At present, there are 6 IEEE WIE members in Stamford University Bangladesh, which previously had no IEEE activities.

pic-3: Ms. Parveen delivering her speech

Pramiti A Alam is a Deputy Manager of Energypac Engineering Ltd. She served as the Newsletter, Information and Publication Coordinator of WIE BD Section for the year of 2015. She mentioned how WIE breaks the typical stereotype of women by encouraging them to engage in professional and research activities. She said that Engineering is not really about the profession, but about the mindset, which WIE helps to create. Ms. Alam also shared her professional experience and expressed that WIE has helped her throughout her professional life.

pic-4: Ms. Alam delivering her speech

All three memebers thanked their mentor Dr. Celia Shahnaz, IEEE Region-10 coordinator and Ex-Chair of WIE BD section, wholeheartedly for encouraging and inspiring them. Total number of participants were 14 and all of them are IEEE members.

pic-5: All three speakers were recognized by gifts from WIE BDS

Electric banner made for the event:

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