Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at BRACU
On 19th June 2014, “Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus” was organized by IEEE BRACU Student Branch and WIE...

Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus at AIUB
On 11th June 2014, Workshop on Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Proteus was organized by IEEE AIUB Student Branch and WIE Affinity...

Technical Seminar at AIUB
A Technical Seminar was organized jointly by IEEE AIUB Student Branch and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section on 26May 2014....

IEEE WIE Special Session in ICIEV 2014
A special session was organized by WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section on 23rd May 2014 in the 3rd International Conference on...

Technical Talk at Inaugural Ceremony of UIU
The inaugural ceremony of IEEE student branch of United International University (UIU) took place on April 16, 2014. Prof. Dr. M. Rezwan...

WIE mini-Workshop in ICEEICT 2014
A mini-workshop by WIE BD Section took place at MIST (Military Institute of Science and Technology) during the iCEEiCT (International...

A workshop on usage of multimedia and designing multimedia contents
A workshop inspiring the usage and design of multimedia contents was organized by WIE Affinity Group, EEE Bangladesh Section at DSP Lab,...

From Circuit to PCB: A Workshop on Circuit Design and Simulation using Proteus
The first workshop on PCB layout design in the history of IEEE Bangladesh was organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Group in...

IEEE and WIE Membership Development Workshop at EWU
IEEE Student Branch of East West University in association WIE Affinity group and IEEE Bangladesh Section organized IEEE and WIE...

Best poster award in the IEEE R10 Student | GOLD | WIE Congress
In the IEEE R10 Student | GOLD | WIE Congress, 12-14 July 2013 at Hyderabad, India, in a competition showcasing the activities of...