IEEE and WIE Membership Development Workshop at EWU

IEEE Student Branch of East West University in association WIE Affinity group and IEEE Bangladesh Section organized IEEE and WIE Membership Development Workshop” at East West University campus on March 16, 2014. All the members of IEEE Student Branch, East West University along with all other interested students from the different engineering departments participated in that event. The workshop was inaugurated with the speech of Dr. M. Mofazzal Hossain, honorable Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, East West University.
The workshop was divided into three parts and was conducted by three distinguished guests from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). The first part was about the membership in IEEE along with its benefit. This part was conducted by Mr. Yeasir Arafat, Assistant Professor, department of EEE, BUET and Membership Development coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section. The second phase of the workshop was about the membership of WIE which was conducted by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, BUET and Chair, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section.
Around 60 students took part in the workshop. The concluding part was a Quiz Competition for the participants based on the content of the workshop. This part was conducted by Mr. Soumitra Roy Joy, Lecturer, Department of EEE, BUET. Prizes were distributed among the winners of the Quiz competition. The participants showed their interest in joining IEEE and WIE after they got the answers of their queries about IEEE and WIE.