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Technical Talk at Inaugural Ceremony of UIU

The inaugural ceremony of IEEE student branch of United International University (UIU) took place on April 16, 2014. Prof. Dr. M. Rezwan Khan, honourable Vice Chancellor of UIU was the Chief Guest in the program. Special guests were Prof. Dr. Pran Kanai Saha, Chair-IEEE BD Section, Dr. Sheikh Anowarul Fattah, Secretary-IEEE BD Secionand Dr. Raqibul Mostafa, Head of the department, EEE, UIU. Dr. Khawza I. Ahmed (Associate Professor, Branch Counsellor-IEEE UIU Student Branch and other faculty members were also present in the program.


An invited talk was delivered by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, WIE Affinity Group, Bangladesh Section. She showed the importance of recognizing emotions in her talk. The title of the talk was “Emotion Recognition from Speech based on Entropy of Enhanced Wavelet Coefficients“. She discussed the existing methods of emotion detection consisting of speaker dependent and independent method and briefly explained the process of emotion recognition through the extraction of emotional features by wavelet transform. In her research, teager energy was used with the wavelet coefficients to enhance their amplitude. Finally entropy was used to reduce the feature dimension. Last of all she discussed the performance of the proposed process with the simulation results. At the end of her talk, she inspired female students to involve themselves in fundamental research.


The Executive Committee and student members of BUET, DU, NSU, AUST, EWU, AIUB, MIST and other universities joined the inspiring program..


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