International Women's Day Celebration
Organizer : WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section Venue: Palm View Restaurant, Army Golf Club Date: 10/03/2015 On the event of World...

WIE Seminar by Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu
Organizer : IEEE BRAC University and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section Venue: GDLN Video Conference Room, BRAC University Date:...

Workshop on Website Design and Management
Organiser: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: VLSI Lab, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and...

IEEE Day Celebration at EWU
IEEE student branch of East West University celebrated this monumental day on the 31st of October 2014. This event was organized by IEEE...

IEEE Day Celebrated at IUB
IEEE Day 2014 was celebrated at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) on 16 October, 2014. The event was jointly organized by IEEE...