WIE Seminar by Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu
Organizer : IEEE BRAC University and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section
Venue: GDLN Video Conference Room, BRAC University
Date: 06/03/2015
WIE Affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section organized a seminar on experience sharing of successful and inspiring WIE personnel, Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu at GDLN Video conference room of BRAC University on March 6, 2015. She was the International Chair of IEEE WIE, 2011-12 and Vice Chair of R10 Technical Activities, 2015. The seminar entitled ‘My journey as a woman engineer - Fate or Fight?’ Members of WIE affinity group from different Student Branches participated in that event.
The workshop was conducted by Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz, R10 WIE Coordinator. The event started with a brief introduction of the activities and leadership role of Dr. Ramalatha. Next, Professor Marimuthu shared her personal experiences about how she struggled all the ways and become a successful engineer, a successful mentor. She explained her determination to complete her PHD although she got married. Dr. Marimuthu began her journey in rural India, where post-secondary education of women was not commonplace, and engineering education for a woman was unheard of. Dr. Marimuthu overcame many social barriers in her village and at her university to become the first female engineer from her village. She stated why and how she developed unique solutions for various social problems like autism and dyslexia in young children.
After the talk, there was an open question answer session, where the participants asked the guest questions regarding her life and career, and she offered general advice on how to forge a career in a field that is made up of predominantly men.
Around 50 female students from different universities took part in the workshop. Lecturers of the EEE Department of BRAC University: Ms. Marzia Alam and Ms. Samantha Lubaba Noor were also present during the seminar. Dr. Celia handed over a crest and gifts to Dr. Ramalatha. It was a great opportunity for Bangladesh WIE members to hear about her activities, lifetime achievements, and inspiring experiences as a global mentor and leader.