Seminar on Control of Networked Multirobot Systems
Venue: EWU
Organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section,
WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section
IEEE EWU Computer Society Student Branch Chapter
Date: 1st October 2019
IEEE Bangladesh Section (IEEE BDS) and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section (WIE AG BDS), collaborating with IEEE EWU Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, organized a technical seminar titled “Control Of Networked Multirobot Systems” on 1st October 2019 at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Lamia Iftekhar, Associate Professor at North South University and the current Vice Chair (Technical) of Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE Bangladesh Section conducted the seminar. The event was opened by Sadia Sharmin, Lecturer of CSE at the host institution, who provided introductory remarks. Dr. Lamia then gave an interactive presentation on the fundamentals of multi-robot control and its application in various domains. She provided a few gateway resources for the interested students and encouraged them to explore the topic from his or her domain of interest. A fun quiz followed the seminar, and the quizzes were peer graded right afterwards. Dr. Lamia presented the top three performers with small prizes. The event ended with the student leaders presenting the speaker with a token of appreciation. A total of 26 students attended the event, out of which 12 were IEEE members.