Workshop On Graphics Design
Venue: NSU
Organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section
WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section
WIE AG, IEEE NSU Student Branch
Date: 27th July 2019
Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (WIE AG BD) and Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE NSU Student Branch (WIE AG INSB) successfully organized a “Workshop On Graphics Design” on the 27thof July at North South University campus. The main vision of the workshop was to help the students to learn about the basics of Graphics Design. In today’s world, Graphics Design is a handy skill to have in the corporate world, in the academia and beyond for tasks ranging from event publicity to research and product promotion to striking reports and presentations. 40 participants from different universities including host university enthusiastically participated in this workshop spanning several hours. Among the participants, 16 had IEEE membership and 5 had WIE membership.
The instructor of the workshop was Rubia Siddiqua, publicity coordinator of WIE Bangladesh Section conducted the workshop. In her professional career, she is serving as the demand planner at Avery Dennison RBIS Bangladesh. She is an Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduate from BUET, currently doing her Masters in Development Studies at the University of Dhaka. She is also a Development Worker, working as Director of Partnership Development at IYAP Bangladesh.
This workshop started with a welcome note by Zannatul Ferdous, Chair, WIE AG INSB. The instructor went over the basics of creating designs using AI and often helped the students at hands-on level at each of their workstations. Volunteers were also present to provide support to the instructor in aiding the large number of participants. Through engaging procedures, examples, and demos, participants learnt to create attractive logos and everyone successfully completed designs of their own. The enthusiasm and interest of the participants were intense throughout the entire session and they thoroughly enjoyed the teachings of the dynamic instructor.
At the end of the event, Md. Fahimul Haque, Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of North South University and Branch Advisor, IEEE NSU Student Branch thanked the instructor Rubia Siddiqua for conducting a superbly successful workshop and presented her a token of appreciation. The event ended with everyone in high spirits and through the distribution of certificates and refreshments among the participants. This workshop will remain a special one for the students to intensify and showcase their creativity to the world.