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Research Prospects in Biomedical Signal Processing and 5G Communication

Venue: AUST

Organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section

Women in Engineering, IEEE Bangladesh Section

IEEE AUST Student Branch

Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE AUST Student Branch

IEEE SPS and ComSoc Joint Student Branch Chapter at AUST

IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter

Date: 3rd August 2019

Women in Engineering Affinity Group along with five other co-hosts (IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE AUST Student Branch, Women In Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE AUST Student Branch, and IEEE SPS and ComSoc Joint Student Branch Chapter AUST) organized a seminar on ‘Research Prospects in Biomedical Signal Processing and 5G Communication” at room 4A05 of the Department of EEE, AUST on 4th August 2019 at 3:30 PM. There were 30 participants, out of which 14 had IEEE membership and 14 had WIE membership.

The event was a unification of three different sessions carried out by Rafee Al Ahsan, Azwad Awsaf and Assistant Professor Tanima Tasmin Chowdhury. Professor Dr. A.K.M. Ehteshanul Islam, Head of the Department of EEE, AUST, Professor Dr. A.K.M. Baki, Counselor, IEEE AUST Student Branch, Professor Dr. Satyendra Nath Biswas and Assistant Professor Shaila Arif, Advisor, IEEE AUST SB WIE AG were present in the event. 30 students participated in the event and 14 of them were IEEE members.

At the first session, Azwas Awsaf, Graduate Student, Department of EEE, AUST talked about his research related to FBMC for 5G which implements a prototype filter, the Binomial Filter. He discussed the advantages of the filter over the existing ones. He also talked about the possible usage of 5G technology in various areas and provided some food for thought regarding the future directions in this field. He has published his research paper in Malaysia with Professor Dr. A.K.M Baki in ICSCC 2019.

Following him, Rafee Al Hasan, Graduate Student, Department of EEE, AUST delivered his speech on his research on developing a filter for Universal Filtered Multi Carrier-based system (UFMC). As per his research, Fractional Powered Binomial Filter for UFMC outperforms Dolph-Chebyshev Filter based UFMC. He has published his research paper on this topic in ICCE-ASIA 2019, Thailand with Professor Dr. A.K.M. Baki.

The final session was conducted by Tanima Tasmin Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, University of Asia Pacific. Ms. Tanima gave a talk on Biomedical Signal Processing. She discussed various kinds of biomedical signals that researchers use to classify disease. She also explained some methods for classifying signals. Her presentation contained information on available datasets on this topic, possible feature extraction techniques and classification algorithms.

The organizers offered their gratitude to the speakers by presenting them with token of appreciation. Photos were taken by Nur Mohammad Antor. Graphic Designs were created Humaira Ferdous Shifa.

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