Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Venue: ECE Building, BUET
Date: February 16, 2019

The newly elected members of executive committee at the WIE AGM 2019
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section was held on Saturday, February 16, 2019 in Room # 236 at ECE building, BUET. The meeting was attended by 33 participants from different institutions including industries and academia. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor at the Department of EEE, BUET and Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, led the meeting. The meeting was followed by formation of Executive Committee with distribution of responsibilities among excom members. Anamika Bhakta, Vice President of Robi Axiata Limited and Chair of WIE AG, IEEE BDS Executive Committee (2018), was re-elected and sworn in as the Chair of Executive Committee (2019).

IEEE Chair Celia Shahnaz and IEEE Vice Chair (Activity) Yeasir Arafat assigning responsibilities to the newly elected members
The meeting started with welcome speech by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section. The participants were given the opportunity to introduce themselves. The Activity Report of 2018 was presented by Anamika Bhakta, Chair of WIE AG, IEEE BDS Executive Committee. Some yearly activity plans were discussed with emphasis on Industry and Academia collaboration. The committee members also shared their views about upcoming events, workshops and industrial tours. Discussions and brainstorming among them made the meeting effective. Dr. Celia Shahnaz talked about the strength of each and every executive member mentioning their responsibilities. At the end, there was a group photo session where Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and recently elected Executive members of WIE, Affinity Group Bangladesh Section were present.