4th IEEE WIECON-ECE 2018 Organized by IEEE Thailand Section, IEEE Thailand WIE AG, IEEE BDS and WIE

The 4th IEEE Women in Engineering International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) 2018 was held on 14-16 December 2018 in Pattaya, Thailand. It aims to provide a platform for leading academic researchers and research scholars and bring them together to share and discuss their research ideas and activities in all branches of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Beside 10 oral sessions for presenting technical papers, there were 5 keynote talks, 2 tutorial sessions, one workshop and 5 special tracks in the conference.
Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul from Chiang Mai University, Thailand, Zuhaina Zakaria from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, Supavadee Aramvith from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Ir. Linawati from Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia and Shaikh Fattah from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology were present as keynote speakers in the conference.
The conference had two tutorial sessions. The first tutorial session titled “Time series data visualization and prediction using Python” was instructed by Dr. Chantana Chantrapornchai from Kasetsart University, Thailand. This session introduced the participants with python and pandas, data cleansing, data visualization and prediction with regressions. The second tutorial session was on “Use of data mining tools and cognitive intelligence in improving operational decisions of smart grid under competitive restructured environment”. This session was conducted by Dr. Surekha Deshmukh from PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pune, India which covered the topics of data mining and analytics in smart grid and real time applications in domains as short term planning, short term forecasting, economics of power generation, real time markets, power trading and renewable energy.
WIECON-ECE 2018 offered one workshop on IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) Training which was divided into three sessions and 5 special tracks on computer engineering, communication and signal processing, electronics, power and energy and humanitarian technology. The TISP workshop intended to facilitate in-service programs for teachers to help them introduce hands-on engineering lessons to their students aligned with education standards and easy applicability in classrooms.
A humanitarian project competition was held within the special track of humanitarian technology. This competition, funded by IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee, welcomed and received humanitarian projects from all over the world based on the theme of energy, health, disaster management, connectivity and communication, humanitarian challenges and opportunity, water and sanitation, agriculture, education and deployment. The presented projects were evaluated on the basis of five criteria – innovativeness, impact, cost effectiveness and applicability, sustainability and clarity in demonstration and 5 winning projects were rewarded with prize money.