"Self Defense for - Women" Organised by IEEE North South SB WIE Affinity Group and WIE AG,
IEEE WIE Affinity Group, Bangladesh Section and the WIE Affinity Group of IEEE North South University Student Branch (INSB WIE) organized a daylong event Self-Defense for Women”. The event was also a celebration of the 2nd birthday of INSB WIE. 30 participants joined the event.
This event was divided in two sections. The first session was “Safety-101” by professional instructors from Tactical Krav Maga Bangladesh. Mr. Khosru Parvez and his team Edward Francis Gomes, Faayez Moha Mohammad Neezamuddin and Juthi taught the participants how to remain safe in our daily lives utilizing some unarmed techniques.

Our second session was on "Technology for Women's Self-Defense ". In this session Chair of IEEE BDS WIE AG, Anamika Bhakta (Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Robi Axiata Ltd.) and Vice[if gte vml 1]><o:wrapblock><v:shapetype
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