Workshop on LATEX Organized by IEEE Stamford SB and WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section

On May 19, 2018, IEEE Stamford University Student Brach & WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section jointly organized a daylong workshop titled on “Workshop on Latex” at MCL-C lab of Stamford University Bangladesh with immense success. This workshop was a tremendous accomplishment due to the participation of 18 students including both IEEE & Non-IEEE members.
The workshop was conducted by Sajeeb Saha, Assistant Professor, Jagannath University. He demonstrated LaTeX to the students and enlightened its importance in both academic & professional life. He also gave an enormous instruction on LED software with its Compiler, also gave an idea with PowerPoint presentation on the various types & methods of writing aconference paper or a journal. The instructor was very much pleased with the enthusiasm,participation and energetic dedication of the participantsThe great achievement of the workshop was to know about the IEEE journal/conference paperDemo which will help the participants to contribute more on upcoming events of IEEE. .Theparticipants also came to know about using both paragraph & figure reference. The workshopwas successful with the interactive session of participants & instructor. Both the participants andthe instructor enjoyed the workshop. The instructor also showed a positive attitude when theparticipants asked him for another session in future days.

The workshop ended up with the inspirational speech of Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen, AssociateProfessor, Department of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh and Branch Counselor, IEEEStamford University Student Branch. Finally, Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen thanked the instructor bygiving a token of appreciation. The workshop turned out to be a successful and inspiring eventfor the participants.