Workshop on LATEX Organized by WIE AG, IEEE DU SB and WIE AG, IEEE BDS
Venue: Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka
Date: 16 September, 2017

Participants with instructors and group advisor of DU SB WIE AG
A workshop on Latex was organized by WIE DU SB and WIE BD on the 16 September, 2017 at Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka. The instructors were Ms. Syeda Iffat Naz, Webmaster and Ms. Nafisa Zarrin Tasnim, Professional Activities Coordinator and, WIE BD Executive Committee 2017. This workshop is a consequence of the vision of Women in Engineering Bangladesh Section to arrange a series of workshops in different universities in collaboration with the IEEE student branches.

Instructor Syeda Iffat Naz explaining on whiteboard
Participants included 7 women and 6 men from various backgrounds with little to no experience in Latex.

Participants and instructors during the workshop
During the workshop, the instructors showed how to write a Latex document using basic-MiKTeX. The instructors basically addressed the key steps required for writing a document, for example, title, authors, equations, inserting images, body, bibliography, etc. The instructors made sure that every participant was able to keep up with the content being covered. They looked into the problems faced by the participants and also took questions from them. The workshop was targeted for senior year students to make them compatible with Latex for writing thesis or conference papers.

Participants and instructors during the workshop
The instructors were later recognized for their efforts and time by Ms. Lafifa Jamal, group advisor of DU SB WIE AG with a token of appreciation.

Instructors Nafisa Zarrin Tasnim and Syeda Iffat Naz receiving token of appreciation from Ms. Lafifa Jamal, Group Advisor of DU SB WIE AG