IEEE WIECON -ECE 2017 Organized by IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section, IEEE Bangladesh Section, WIE AG, IEEE
Organizer: IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section, IEEE Bangladesh Section, WIE AG, IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section and WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Venue: Women Institute of Technology, Dehradun, Uttarkhand
Date: 18-19 December, 2017
The 2017 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE 2017) is organized for bringing together individuals conducting research and professional activities in the area of ECE to share and present their latest innovation and findings.

The conference is jointly organized by IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section and IEEE Bangladesh Section along with WIE Affinity Group of IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section and WIE Affinity Group of IEEE Bangladesh Section. The conference is held at Women Institute of Technology, Dehradun, Uttarkhand, India during 18-19 December, 2017.

Every WIECON-ECE ensures world-class keynote talks, invited talks, oral and poster sessions, special sessions, humanitarian activity track, tutorials, workshops, student competitions, live demonstration, project show, which will be offered by researchers and professionals working in academia, industry and research organizations.