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IEEE BDS SYW Congress 2017

Organizer: IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE NSU Student Branch

Venue: NSU Auditorium

Date: 1 December, 2017

The most awaited annual event of IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE BDS SYW Congress 2017 was held on 1 December, 2017 at North South University. The event was organized by IEEE North South University Student Branch sponsored by Adex Group.

The extravagant day-long event consisting of over 600 participants was initiated through an Ice Breaking Session at the Gallery of North South University. The session was arranged to make the participants familiar with each other and also with the event. Following the ice breaking was an opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was commenced by showing respect to our country through National Anthem and the recitation from The Holy Books. The ceremony included an opening note by Ms. Tanjila Farah, Branch Counselor, IEEE NSU SB. The show was synthesized into a more enthusiastic, informative and educative one by honorable guests including Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. G. U. Ahsan, North South University, Nominations and Appointments Chair,Vice-Chair (activity) of IEEE BDS, YP Chair BDS, WIE Chair BDS, IEEE BDS Secretary and IEEE BDS Student Representative.

The event was then pursued by more sessions. One of which was SAC Session which was based on communication skills, IEEE benefits and so on. It also included a research session that encouraged the participants more towards research sectors. To keep the audience charged up,refreshments were provided by the organizers in between sessions. The show was further continued by a session on IEEE Young Professionals with a view to helping fresher engineers achieve career goals and professional excellence with great motivation and urge. There was another interesting part, a short quiz contest to charge up the participants to another level. Later a Technical Session was arranged in order to bring the crowd and technology closer and also to showcase the rate of development of technology to the crowd present.

The technical session was followed by Women in Engineering (WIE) program which brought up the development of women in engineering sector in today’s world and encouraged all, both men and women, to push the development a step higher by contributing their knowledge and ideas. The event did not stop right there, more compelling sessions were organized. One of the sessions was on Engineering Ethics, a value that every present and upcoming engineer should nurture within themselves. This session was imperative to let the future engineers to be able to judge themselves as well as their work. The show was lifted up by the presence of honorable chief guests Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam, Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and also Pro Vice-Chancellor, North South University (NSU). The event was made more enthusiastic by a program on Humanitarian Activities. The aim of which was to build the urge in the participants to volunteer in activities that would prove to be helpful to the society and also in the establishment of partnerships with other entities sharing similar goals with respect to humanitarian efforts. Before bringing the event to the finish line, a Poster Presentation was arranged in the Exhibition Hall, NSU. Lastly, a closing ceremony was organized to celebrate the success and to wind up the largest event of the IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE BDS SYW Congress 2017.

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