“Industrial Visit at Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)” organized by IEEE WIE AG BDS and I
Organizer: IEEE Women in Engineering, Bangladesh Section and IEEE Bangladesh Section
Venue: Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Savar
Date: 5th October 2017
On October 5th, IEEE Women in Engineering, Bangladesh Section and IEEE Bangladesh Section jointly organized “Industrial Visit at Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)” funded by IEEE Region 10 2017.

Figure 1: Participants of IEEE R10 WIE Support Funded Program “Industrial Visit at Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)”
The event was held on Thursday at Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Savar. A total number of 38 participants enthusiastically performed the tour. Concerned authority of AERE guided the participants and lectured their activities along with demonstration. The transport was arranged by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, under the supervision of Mr. Yeasir Arafat, Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, BUET; treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section.
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) is a major research set-up of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), with an aim for peaceful application of nuclear energy in various physical, biological and engineering fields. Established in 1975, this vast facility stands on 259 acres of land, comprising different institutes. In the stated tour, only the units relevant to EEE were visited as majority of the participants were from that background.

Figure 2: Briefing on nuclear reactor at Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INST)
The tour was initiated by visiting the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) where the reactor along with its chamber and source were shown after a short briefing on their working action. Then came the visit in Institute of Electronics (IE), where the members had a chance to revise their idea about electronic circuitry and VLSI designing. Following that, the visitors were moved to Energy Institute (EI), where the complete production process of solar arrays in Bangladesh was demonstrated.
The final part of the visit was held in Central Engineering Facilities (CEF) which were an interdisciplinary unit of electrical and mechanical engineering. All hardwires related to the research are manufactured in this facility. Of course, the students got the chance to observe some of the mentioned procedures.
The whole event was conducted by Farhana Afrin, NusratJahan and Farshina Nazrul- Executive committee members of WIE AG, IEEE BDS. The event was closed by lunch and a group photo. With this event, the WIE student members of Bangladesh appropriated a great deal of knowledge about Atomic Energy Research and its applications in Bangladesh.

Figure 3: Instructor with enthusiastic visitors at Central Engineering Facilities (CEF)