“IEEE DAY 2017: Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow” Organized by IEEE WIE BDS, IEEE SB DU,
Venue: Room 208, Department of EEE, University of Dhaka
Date: October 11, 2017
Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section, in association with IEEE Student Branch, University of Dhaka and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group Student Branch, University of Dhaka celebrated the IEEE Day 2017 on 11 October 2017 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Room 208, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka. The event was officially celebrated by all IEEE WIE Affinity Groups of Bangladesh. 60 participants including 35 IEEE members and 25 non-IEEE members joined the celebration.
Figure: Group Photo
The program was inaugurated by Dr. A. H. M. Asadul Huq, Chairman, Department of EEE, DU. Opening speech was given by Md. Zahidul Islam, Branch Counselor and Lecturer, Department of EEE, DU. Then Lafifa Jamal, Group Advisor, IEEE WIE AG SB DU and Chairman, Department of Robotics and Mechatronics, DU, shared few words with the audience. Next, Samantha Lubaba Noor, Chair, WIE AG, IEEE BDS and Senior Lecturer, Department of EEE, East West University, enlightens about various activities of different student branches and affinity groups. Later on professional talk was given by Dr. Sharnali Islam, Lecturer, Department of EEE, DU and ex-employee, Intel Corporation and a talk on entrepreneurship was given by Tasnim Sorwar Tropa, Lecturer, Department of EEE, Canadian University of Bangladesh and co-founder, Daisy’s Cooking Hub. Next IEEE Spectrum Quiz contest was held and later different affinity groups presented their activities and future plans. The guests handed certificates to the IEEE Day Photo Contest winners and IEEE Spectrum Quiz winners