“Workshop on Robotutor” organized by jointy IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & IEEE Stamf
Organizer: ,IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & IEEE Stamford University WIE Student Branch Affinity group jointly
Venue : MCL-C, Stamford University Bangladesh
Participants: 32 (IEEE Members: 25 Non-IEEE Members: 7)
Date: 06 October, 2017
On 6th October 2017, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & IEEE Stamford University WIE Student Branch Affinity group jointly organized a daylong workshop titled on “ Workshop on Robotutor” at MCL-C lab of Stamford University Bangladesh with immense success. This workshop is solely arranged in this year till now by IEEE Stamford University Student Branch & IEEE Stamford University WIE Student Branch Affinity group at Stamford University Bangladesh. This workshop was a tremendous accomplishment due to the participation of 32 students including 25 IEEE members and 7 non-IEEE members.

The workshop was very successfully conducted by Muhammad Muntasir Hassan (BUET), Abir Ahsan Akib (BUET), Mohammad Mahinur Rahman (BUET). They introduced the idea of robotutor and its wide range of application and significance both in our daily and professional life. They also explained the software “Arduino” as a medium of code and activating robot brilliantly. The instructors are very much pleased by the enthusiastic participation and absolute dedication of the participants.

Figure: Instructors guiding the participants during the workshop
The great achievement of the workshop is to run a line follower robot. The participants also came to know how to make a logo, posters, and other useful stuff. The workshop was endowed with a massive response from all participants. This workshop was enjoyed by both the participants and the instructor.
The workshop was ended with the inspirational speech of Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen, Associate professor, Department of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh and Branch Counselor, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch. Finally, Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen thanked the instructor by presenting a gift of appreciation. The workshop turned out to be a successful and inspiring event for the participants.