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Special WIE Track at ICAEE 2017organized by WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section

Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section

Venue: Room 5012, Level-5, Academic Block, Independent University Bangladesh

Date: 29 September, 2017

WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section organized Special WIE Track on 29 September, 2017, the second day of 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) 2017 at Independent University Bangladesh. Four highly regarded and renowned academics were present as special guests throughout the whole event. They are Dr. Shamima K. Choudhury, Dr. Shahida Rafique, Shahida Sultana and Dr. Jesmin.

Group Photo

The event started with the technical session by Dr. Shamima K. Choudhury, Fellow, Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS), Team Leader, WIP, Bangladesh, Fellow, Bangladesh Society for Non-destructive Testing (BSNDT) and former Professor, Department of Physics, Dhaka University. She talked about structure, properties, applications, deposition techniques and observation of some important parameters (refractive index, transmittance and absorption coefficient) with variation in semiconductor materials (GaAs, ZnO, ZnSe, CdTe, Tin Oxide) of thin film solar cell. Two deposition techniques are presently used in Bangladesh. One is Vacuum Deposition and another is Spray Pyrolysis. The equipements for these two techniques are installed at Atomic Energy Commission Dhaka (AECD) and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) respectively. Shamima K. Choudhury also expressed her thanks to the Department of Physics, Dhaka University, Department of Physics, BUET, BCSIR and AECD for their cooperation in her researches.

Shamima K. Choudhury receiving the token of appreciation

The next speaker was Dr. Shahida Rafique, Professor, Dhaka University and Chairman, Board of Governors of Institute of Science and Technology, National University. She gave her talk on “Advances in EEE: Robotics.” She talked about scales in robotic systems, sensors, effectors, actuators, controllers, hardware, angular rotation, seven degrees of freedom, artificial intelligence and latest advances in robotics like AEGIS and cognitive modeling for space. She also gave insight about mobile and manipulator robot, BEAM robot and EyeBot.

The audience during the WIE Track

Shahida Rafique receiving the token of appreciation

After two technical presentations, Shahida Sultana, Deputy Secretary (Innovation Specialist) of Prime Minister’s Office gave her presentation on “Women and ICT.” She talked about lack of access to basic education, science learning and social motivation. She also discussed about dilemma between work expectation and family responsibilities, discrimination and under representation as the reasons of career barriers for women. She also enlightened the audience about ‘Access to Information Program’ under which there are other programs like Women Innovation Camp (WIC), Service Innovation Fund (SIF), Solve-a-Thon and iLab. She also mentioned about Joyeeta, a virtual shop for women entrepreneurs, Joy App, an app to prevent terrorism against women and children and She Power Project which are some of the recent steps taken by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for ensuring the women empowerment in socio-economic sector.

Shahida Sultana receiving the token of appreciation

The session was closed by the fourth speaker Dr. Jesmin, Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Dhaka University and former Chair, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Dhaka University. She gave her technical presentation on “Interrelation between Inflammatory Biomarkers and Disorders.” She talked about integrated gene building network, GRN of ‘hub’ network, genetic evaluation and PRISMA chart. Finally, she gave thanks to Ministry of Science and Technology for its Research and Development Allocation Grant and Special Allocation Grant.

Dr. Jesmin receiving the token of appreciation

The whole program was conducted by Tasneem Binte Showkat, Graphic Designer, WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section and Lecturer, Department of EEE, RUET. About 40 students and faculties including both IEEE and non-IEEE members participated in the event.

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