Outreach Program organized by WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section, BUET WIE Student Branch
Organizer: IEEE Women in Engineering, Bangladesh Section and BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity
Venue: Holy Cross College
Date: September 14, 2017
BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group is pleased to announce the successful completion of the outreach program organized for upcoming university students held at Holy Cross College on September 14, 2017.

The huge response and the enthusiasm of the participants were very overwhelming and it really encouraged to carry out the workshop in more detailed way. A total number of 40 students, divided into 7 groups, attended the program. Instructor Zahra Zahin, Chairperson, BUET WIE SB conducted the workshop successfully. All the volunteers were very supportive which made the workshop more appealing to the youngsters.

In the first session of the workshop a short speech was given on the outstanding contribution of women in science and technology to motivate the students and to grow their interest in this field.
In the next session a brief presentation was made on Green Technology, Renewable energy and Smart grid. Then in the practical session students were first provided with necessary theoretical knowledge on decade counter and other components to implement the circuit. After that each group was given the components. Volunteers were always ready to help them whenever they need. The spark that was seen in their eyes when the counter started counting after getting clock pulse is worth mentioning. At last, they got really excited when they saw the practical application of the theory they have learned with their own eyes.

At the last section an MCQ based test was taken and three highest mark obtainers were awarded. We thank our appreciative and enthusiastic participants without whom the program holds no meaning. Their eagerness and patience motivated the instructors to help them out with all the projects they wanted to implement We would also like to thank the Principal Sister Shikha Gomes, the teachers for giving us the opportunity to motivate the fresh minds to engineering profession and give them a practical vision of the theory they have learned from their textbook.