Workshop on ‘Introductory PCB Design’ Organized by IEEE University of Asia Pacific & WIE AG, IEE
Organizer: IEEE University of Asia Pacific & WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Venue: UAP
Date: May 20, 2017
IEEE University of Asia Pacific SB organized a two hour long workshop technically supported by WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section on ‘Introductory PCB Design’ on 20 May 2017, Saturday. Total 25 IEEE student members from both EEE and CSE department of UAP participated in that workshop.

Figure-1: Group Photo
This workshop was conducted by two executive members of WIE AG of IEEE BDS, Shoilie Chakma, Lecturer, EEE, BUET; Treasurer, WIE AG of IEEE Bangladesh Section & Irtiza Haque, System Engineer, Service Operations, Grameenphone Ltd.; Professional Activities Coordinator, WIE AG of IEEE BDS. In this workshop the participants were given hands on training to the introductory designing of PCB layout using ‘Labcenter Proteus’ software. Dr. Tapan Kumar Chakraborty, Professor, EEE, UAP was present on the workshop and awarded the trainers with ‘certificate of appreciation’ on behalf of the IEEE UAP SB.