Seminar on IEEE and Its Role in Professional Development Jointly Organized by Department of EEE, BUB
Organizer: Department of EEE, BUBT, IEEE BDS WIE AG, IEEE BDS Young Professionals & IEEE BDS
Venue: Auditorium, Permanent campus, BUBT
Date: May 03, 2017
On 3rd May, 2017, 2017 a seminar was held at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) titled as ‘Seminar on IEEE and its role in professional development’. The event was organized by Department of EEE, BUBT. Supported by IEEE Bangladesh Section, WIE Affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Young Professionals, IEEE Bangladesh Section.

Figure-1: Group Photo
The seminar was hosted by Farhana Afrin, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, BUBT. The respected Speakers of the seminar were: Abdullah Ash-Saki (HES Engineer, Chevron Bangladesh. Student Activities Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section), Shams Shad Islam Khan (Jr. System Engineer, Bangla Phone Limited.and Chair, IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh Section), Tasnim Binte Shawkat (Lecturer (ECE), Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology and Graphics Designer, IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section).
This seminar intended to grow awareness on IEEE membership and IEEE Student Branch among the students and faculty members of EEE Dept, BUBT. All the students and faculty members of EEE dept, BUBT were encouraged to attend this seminar. The respected speakers from IEEE Bangladesh Section shared their knowledge and experience in this regard. The seminar started by an opening speech by Dr. Mohammed Rubaiyet Chowdhury (Dean, Faculty of Applied science and Engineering). Engr. M Azharul Haque (Chairman, dept. of EEE, BUBT) encouraged the present students to focus on their studies as well as to join the IEEE sharing its benefits.
After this session the speakers gave their speeches about IEEE and its role in professional development and also shared their ideas for getting the better output from a SB and also suggested some activities to follow for future. There was a questionnaire session for the participants. The participants showed their interest in joining IEEE and WIE after they got the answers of their queries about IEEE and WIE.
At closing ceremony, Engr. M. Azharul Haque, presented each speaker a crest as a token of appreciation. At the very end Farhana Afrin, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, BUBT ended the seminar with her charming words towards all the guests, participants and volunteers who are working on the platform of IEEE for the betterment of the universe.