“WIE AG BDS Executive Committee Meeting” Organized by WIE, AG BDS
Organizer: WIE Affinity Group, Bangladesh Section
Venue: Euprow Lab, ECE Building, BUET
Date: January 13, 2017
Women in Engineering (WIE), Affinity Group, Bangladesh Section arranged its first meeting of this year on January 13, 2017 at Euprow Lab, ECE Building, BUET. The purpose of this meeting was to plan for the whole year's activities and distribute responsibilities among executive members. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Vice-Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section led the meeting. Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive members of WIE, Affinity Group Bangladesh Section were present in the meeting.

The committee members have discussed about different upcoming activities – seminars and workshops that are going to be held throughout the year. Some new workshops related on Advance Microsoft Office, Simulink, Comsol etc. have been added with previous ones. More industrial visit will be arranged in this year. Members also have discussed about publicity of WIECON which will be held in Bali, Indonesia at the end of the year.
The whole meeting was fruitful and effective. Vice chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section personally talked with the executive members regarding their responsibilities. There was also a group photo session at the end of the program.