‘Discussion on Successive Outcome of IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch’ Jointly Org
Organizer: IEEE BDS, WIE AG of IEEE BDS, IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB, IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB WIE AG
Venue: Stamford University
Date: November 23, 2016
On November 23, 2016 an event was held at the IEEE Stamford University SB titled as ‘Discussion on Successive Outcome of IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch’. The event was jointly organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section, WIE AG of IEEE BDS, IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB, IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB WIE AG. The event was hosted by Mohidul Islam Khan, General Secretary of IEEE Stamford University SB. Guests of the event were: Dr. Feroze Ahmed (Vice Chancellor, Stamford University Bangladesh); Prof. Dr. Taifur Ahmed Chowdhury (Chairman, Stamford University Bangladesh); Dr. Enamul Basher, Abu M Wahidullah (Professor, Dept. of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh); Abdullah Ash- Saki (Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE BDS); Kazi Khurshidi Haque Dia (Secretary of WIE AG BDS). The event included experience sharing of Chair, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch and Chair of its WIE AG; Secretary and Online Coordinator, IEEE Stamford University SB regarding their IEEE activities in 2016.

After this session Dr. Feroze Ahmed gave his speech regarding the betterment of the Engineering field through IEEE. Prof. Dr. Taifur Ahmed Chowdhury discussed the present scenario of the Engineering field in Bangladesh and gave the proper Idea to focus for our goal. Dr. Enamul Basher and Prof. Abu M Wahidullah encouraged the present students to focus on their studies as well as to join the IEEE sharing its benefits.
At the end of the event, Kazi Khurshidi Haque Dia gave her speech and shared her ideas for getting the better output from a SB and also suggested some activities to follow for future. Also Abdullah Ash- Saki, the Mentor of IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB gave a presentation on the ‘Transition from Student Life to Career’. He focused some of the points that really identifies the problem during the different sessions of an Engineers life and also discussed for overcoming those aspects. At the very end Dr. Dilshad Mahjabeen (Associate Prof.; Dept. of EEE & Counselor of of IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh SB) ended the event with her charming words towards all the guests, participants and volunteers who are working on the platform of IEEE for the betterment of the universe.