Workshop on “Writing Scientific Article Using LATEX” Jointly Organised by WIE AG IEEE Bangladesh Sec
Organizer: WIE AG IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE AUST Student Branch.
Venue: Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST).
Date: 02/06/2016
On 2nd June, 2016 IEEE AUST Student Branch and Women In Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section jointly organized a workshop titled “Writing Scientific Article Using LATEX” at the department of EEE of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST).

Figure: Inauguration of the workshop on “Writing Scientific Articles Using LATEX”
The workshop was inaugurated by the IEEE AUST Student Branch Convener and Head of the department of EEE, Professor Dr. Abdur Rahim Mollah. Brunch counselor Mr. Md. Masoodur Rahman Khan was also present at the event and gave an inspirational speech on the usefulness of this workshop. Mrs. Kazi Khurshidi Haque Dia, Secretary of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section, 2016 and assistant professor at department of EEE, AUST was also present at the workshop and introduced the instructor: Ms. Shoilie Chakma to the participants. Ms. Shoilie Chakma is currently serving as a lecturer at the department of EEE at BRAC University. She is also the workshop coordinator of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section.
The purpose of arranging such a workshop was to introduce LATEX to the participants so that they can develop an understanding on the advantages and differences between Microsoft word and LATEX and to motivate them to learn writing articles using LATEX. Different document classes, features using “\usepackage”, writing mathematical equations, numbering the equation by “eqnarray”, inserting pictures, captions, references, table, citing references of paper articles and writing IEEE Research Paper in Latex using the IEEE Transaction Format was covered in this workshop.

Figure: Instructor and participants during the workshop.
28 participants attended the workshop. Among them 15 participants were IEEE members and 13 participant were non-IEEE members. The participants found the workshop really informative and useful as they can use this knowledge in their academic, research and writing works.

Figure: IEEE AUST Student Branch Counselor giving a token of appreciation to the instructor.
The instructor received a certificate as a token of appreciation for her contribution to the workshop from IEEE AUST Student Branch Counselor Mr. Md. Masoodur Rahman Khan and all the participants received certificates for participation.