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Workshop on PCB Design using Proteus Jointly Organised by WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE S

Organizer: WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch WIE AG.

Venue: MCL Lab, Stamford University Bangladesh

Date: 22nd May, 2016

A workshop on PCB Design was organized by WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch WIE Affinity Group at MCL Lab of Stamford University Bangladesh. About 40 students participated in this workshop. Among them, 25 were IEEE members and 15 were non-IEEE members. The duration of the workshop was about 2 and a half hour.

The program was conducted by Baishakhi Rani Biswas, Lecturer, Green University of Bangladesh and Ratul Das, Research Engineer, Energypac Engineering Ltd.

In the workshop, the participants were at first made to learn how to dram and simulate circuits using proteus and after that how to make PCB design from Circuit diagram using proteus. The workshop was endowed with massive response from all the participants. Both the participants and the instructors enjoyed the workshop.

The workshop ended up with the valuable speech of Prof. Dr. Enamul Basher, Chairman of Department of EEE, Stamford University Bangladesh. He praised the enthusiasm of the participants and the organizers of this workshop.

Finally, the Honorable Chairman thanked the instructors by presenting a crest to each of them. All the participants of this workshop received a certificate of participation. The workshop on PCB design at Stamford University Bangladesh turned out to be a successful event. This event is supposed to play an important role for invigorating the activities of Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch and its WIE Affinity Group.

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