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R10 WIE Support Fund 2015 for WIE AG of Bangladesh Section - STAR Program: Dream Engine

The R10 WIE support funded program ‘Dream Engineering 2015’ was held at Engineering University School and College, BUET Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 27-28, 2015. The program was organized by WIE Affinity group of IEEE Bangladesh Section. The objective of the program was to inspire girls from the school level to consider Engineering as their future career.

The two days program was inaugurated on 27th October (Day-1) with the presence of Honorable Principal of Engineering University School and College, The Chairperson of IEEE Bangladesh Section and The Chairperson of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section. Both the Principal and the IEEE Bangladesh section Chair rendered their valuable speech.

Inauguration of the event

Technical talk was conducted by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, BUET and Chair, WIE, IEEE Bangladesh. A wide range of areas including- ICT, Biomedical Engineering, Renewable Energy, Robotics, Blue LED etc. were covered in this talk. A Workshop on ‘Smart Home’ was held, where a power point presentation on different skills and techniques of building small electrical circuits was presented.

On 28th October (Day-2) a workshop on ‘Engineering Design’ was held, where a power point presentation on different skills and techniques of basic Electrical Service design was presented.

Presenting a session

Closing ceremony was held with the presence of the Honorable Principal of Engineering University School and College, and the Chairperson of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section. The Principal rendered his vote of thanks to WIE Bangladesh Section. Finally, the Chairperson of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section Delineated the closure of the program with her inspiring closing remarks thanking everyone involved in the program.

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