Matlab Workshop on advanced research applications at IEEE BDS Young Professionals Summit.
WIE Affinity Group and YP, IEEE Bangladesh Section jointly organised a Matlab Workshop on advanced research applications at IEEE BDS Young Professional Summit held at BUET on 9th October 2015. This technical event was targeted for young professionals and who are about to enter job sector within a few months. The number of IEEE members participated in the event was 50 and non-IEEE member was 20.
This workshop was co-ordinated by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET. Under her direct supervision, this Workshop was conducted by IEEE WIE members, YP members and researchers who are involved in research.
This workshop focused on Matrix Laboratory (Matlab), a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. This workshop was intended for the broader young professional community in IEEE Bangladesh section who seeks to explore the impact of MATLAB in the industry and Academics. This workshop also covered basic concepts of MATLAB and its use in various advanced Research Applications involving biomedical and other interesting real-life signals.
The workshop was divided into 5 sections where “Graphical User Interface” was presented by Kazi Khurshidi Haque Dia, Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Secretary, WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section. “Image Processing for Denoising and Other Applications” was presented by Mohasinina Binte Kamal, Assistant Engineer (R&D), Energypac Engineering Ltd., Treasurer, WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section. Tanima Tasnim Chowdhury, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, University of Asia Pacific presented the part “Skin disorder Analysis using Digital Images”. “Segmentation and Analysis for Early Breast Cancer Detection using Mammographic Images” was presented by Abu Raihan, Member IEEE Young Professional. Ishmam Zabir, Member IEEE Young Professional presented the topic “Brain Tumor Detection & Segmentation from Multimodal MRI images”.

Group photo of some of the participants and instructors