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IEEE Day Celebration 2015

Organiser: WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section

Venue: Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology

Date: 07/10/15

On the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section celebrated IEEE Day 2015 on 7th October, 2015 at BUET. IEEE Day’s theme is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. This is the first time WIE Affinity Group celebrated the day independently. The event was celebrated following the guidelines on IEEE. There was an inaugural photo session with IEEE members and non-members holding banners and placards. The theme of the banner and placards reflected IEEE day, WIE and IEEE. The event was followed by a technical talk delivered by plant molecular biologists, Dr. Haseena Khan. She is currently working as a Professor in Dhaka University (DU), Bangladesh. She is one of the few researchers who have successfully decoded the jute plant draft genome sequencing.

There was an IEEE day Greeting Video for 15 minutes long. The video was composed of greetings from different IEEE section worldwide. There was a presentation on history and evolution of IEEE day celebration which was prepared by by Pramiti Alam and presented by Dr. Celia Shahnaz. The participants were so encouraged that they decided to have their greeting in next anniversary. Then as a token of celebration, there was cake festival. The cake was designed according to the logo of IEEE Day 2015. The event was concluded with a closing photo session.

The event was effective to make participants understand the excitement and joy to share ideas thoughts and vision of engineers all over the world and they showed their interest to be a part of IEEE and WIE.

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