Experience Sharing for Women in Academia
Organiser: IEEE NSU (INSB) and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section
Venue: North South University
Date: 27/02/2015
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North South University, along with Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section, organized an event on 27th February 2015 titled “Experience Sharing of Women in Academia”. The event, held at ECE Department of NSU, was a gathering of around 12 female faculty members in EEE and CSE to talk about the unique challenges and opportunities they face here particularly once they return completing their PhDs.
Faculty members from various universities of Dhaka including BUET, UIU, Stamford, and Asia Pacific were present at the discussion. Dr. Arshad Chowdhury, the Chairman of ECE Department of NSU made introductory remarks followed by Dr. Rokonuzzaman, Professor of ECE at NSU, who discussed the importance of working closely with policy-makers for genuine progress in engineering in the country. Dr. Nova Ahmed, Assistant Professor of CSE at NSU, then opened up the structured discussion and experience sharing of the guests and moderated the conversations. Dr. Celia, Chair of WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section was among those who shared their stories and suggestions.
Challenges discussed included limitations of resources and publication hurdles. Best practices were sought out to handle the various challenges through success stories of the participants. Resolutions taken in the meeting included continuing such events to create a solid network as well as share the attendees’ research interests amongst themselves. The organizers are hopeful that this gathering marks a great start towards establishing a strong network of support and collaboration in all aspects of research, academia and career for the female faculty members of EEE and CSE background in Bangladesh.