Invited Talk by Prof. Sayeef Salauddin: Negative Capacitance in a Ferroelectric-Dielectric Heterostr
Classically, in a series combination of two capacitors the total capacitance is always smaller than either of the constituent capacitances. However, when a ferroelectric material is placed with a dielectric material, under the right conditions, this law may break down and the total capacitance may become larger than the dielectric capacitance, thereby providing a ‘giant’ capacitor. Interestingly, at this state the ferroelectric material ‘looks’ like a negative capacitance. In this talk, I shall discuss the theoretical foundation and recent experimental observation of negative capacitance in a ferroelectric-dielectric heterostructure. I shall also discuss possible areas of application of this phenomenon.

Biography of the Speaker:
Sayeef Salahuddin received his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) in 2003 and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2007. He joined the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley in 2008.His research interests are in the interdisciplinary field of electronic transport in nano structures currently focusing on novel electronic and spintronic devices for low power logic and memory applications. He received the Kintarul Islam Gold Medal from BUET in 2003, a MARCO/FCRP Inventor Recognition Award in 2007, a UC Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship in 2009, a Hellman Faculty Fellowship in 2010 and a DOE NISE award in 2010 and again in 2011. Recently he was also awarded the prestigious NSF Career Award.